Sylabus VIKBB55 — podzimní semestr 2017

24. prosince / 14. týden semestru

Vánoční čtení #nepovinnáČetba

Johnson, Sheila K. Sociology of Christmas cards.

In: Trans-action. January 1971, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 27-29

Caplow, Theodore. Rule Enforcement Without Visible Means: Christmas Gift Giving in Middletown.

In: American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 89, No. 6 (May, 1984), pp. 1306-1323 PDF

Hancock, Philip – Rehn, Alf. Organizing Christmas.

In: Organization. Vol 18/2011. PDF

Edensor, Tim – Millington, Edensor. Illuminations, Class Identities and the Contested Landscapes of Christmas.

In: Sociology. February 2009 43: 103-121 PDF

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