Sylabus VIKBB55 — podzimní semestr 2017

30. listopadu / 11. týden semestru

Emancipační síla internetu? #řešení

Godin, B. (2008). Innovation: The History of a Category. Working Paper no. 1.

In: Project on the Intellectual History of Innovation. INRS.
Zadané stránky: 5–9, 43–47 (10 stran anglicky). PDF

Morozov, Evgeny. The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom.

New York: PublicAffairs, 2011.
Zadaná je kapitola Texting Like It’s 1989, tzn. strany 33–56 (23 stran anglicky). PDF

York, Jillian & Stender, Matthew. Facebook must stop pretending to be innocently neutral and start acting more like a media company.

In: Quartz, 2016. Dostupné online.
Zadaný je celý text (4 strany anglicky). PDF

Oremus, Will. Facebook’s New “Manifesto” Is Political. Mark Zuckerberg Just Won’t Admit It.

In: Dostupné online.
Zadaný je celý text (6 stran anglicky). PDF

Doporučená literatura

Zuckerberg, Mark. Building Global Community

In:, 2017. Dostupné online. PDF

Oremus, Will & Carey, Bill. Facebook’s Offensive Ad Targeting Options Go Far Beyond “Jew Haters”.

In: Dostupné online. PDF

Asher-Schapiro, Avi. Against Sharing.

In: Jacobin, Sep 19, 2014. Dostupné online. PDF

Carr, Paul. Travis Shrugged: The creepy, dangerous ideology behind Silicon Valley’s Cult of Disruption.

In: PandoDaily, Oct 24, 2012. Dostupné online. PDF

Khanna, Parag. Smart nation, sharing city.

Dostupné online. PDF

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